
Hi, I’m Sam

an online fitness instructor, qualified personal trainer and gymnastics coach with a passion for helping other people become the fittest versions of themselves. Since starting Sweat with Sam I have learnt so much about, not only exercise but also how important it is to fuel your body correctly in order to see the results you want! I am continuing to learn every single day and absolutely love sharing my knowledge with you guys and helping you have the tools and understanding you need to reach your own fitness goals.

Sam’s Favs

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Favourite Sport



Favourite Holiday


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Favourite Food


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Favourite Season


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Favourite Animal



I stopped competitive gymnastics when I was 16 to focus on school and then went to university when I was 18! While I was at university I lived off chicken kievs, packet pasta and a whole lot of alcohol and definitely let my health and fitness take a backseat. I started to notice my weight creep up and fitness levels dramatically decrease. 

After finishing uni I did a lot of travelling and working abroad but I started spending a lot more time in the gym. Whilst looking for a job at the end of 2019 I decided to do my personal training qualification to educate myself more about the gym and general fitness.


Top Tip from Sam

If you want to make progress in anything it is all about consistency and dedication whether that's losing weight, running a faster 5k or lifting a PB in the gym the key is consistency.

 How did Sweat with Sam start?

 When lockdown hit and I was put on furlough. I wanted to do what I could to help people stay fit from home so I started posting some workout ideas on Instagram for my friends and family and helped out my gymnastics club by running some sessions for the gymnasts while they couldn’t train. A couple of the mums joined in the workout and asked if I would do a workout with them because they wanted to “Sweat with Sam”.